Want to learn more about enrichment or acceleration for your student?

The Montgomery County Council of PTAs Gifted & Talented Committee recently provided resources on what enrichment and acceleration looks like for elementary school students.

Click here to read what English Language Arts (ELA) enrichment looks like in MCPS. And here's a useful guide on what parents can ask teachers at conferences, regarding ELA and math enrichment and acceleration.

Questions? Please reach out to the BRES PTA (email membership@brespta.org). We welcome feedback and collaboration!

*Enrichment: Enrichment is defined as giving students the opportunity to learn in greater depth and breadth.

**Acceleration: Acceleration of instruction means that students are given a curriculum that is at a higher level than the regular curriculum; the information is more complex or more information is covered; the material is presented more rapidly than in typical instruction; and students are confronted by a greater challenge than is customary with on-grade level material.


Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has been authorized for 5- to 11-year-olds. MCPS is partnering with the county’s Department of Health and Human Services and Holy Cross Hospital to offer a number of free vaccination clinics for children at schools and county sites.

Other family members who have not received a COVID-19 vaccination, or who need a Pfizer booster, will be able to do so at these clinics as well. 2/3 of the doses for children 5 to 11 will be provided by pharmacies, pediatricians, other healthcare providers and about 1/3 will be provided by the health department. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of the numerous sources that are providing vaccinations.

More info HERE.

BRES Fall Festival & Costume Parade

We’re gearing up for an awesome Halloween and Fall Festival at BRES next Friday! Our costume parade event will take place from 2:25-3:15, and we will follow this parade route: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1my2yrnqeOLMz7fpRq1jcZzvDQyrwNUe3/view?usp=sharing

Onlookers are invited to line the bus loop, car loop, and blacktop to snap a picture of your redfox in their frightful attire! Please be mindful to socially distance to the extent possible, and to keep your mask on when you cannot maintain 6ft of distance.  

If you are unable to attend the costume parade, or want to avoid the crowds, you’re in luck! We’ve scheduled a webinar to join in on the fun virtually. 

Joining information is as follows: Please click the link below to join the webinar→  https://mcpsmd.zoom.us/j/81072824867?pwd=ZDdQTGcyZEcvdytKSERZUTNlRlVSQT09

Get the passcode from Mrs. West’s weekly email.

When curating your child’s costume for the BRES parade, please consider the following guidelines: 

  • Costumes should be able to easily go on top students’ normal clothing (ie., avoid the need to change out of “regular” clothing and into the costume).

  • Weapons and other handhelds that can be used as weapons should be left at home.

  • Costumes should be school-appropriate (aligned with MCPS dress code expectations, and avoiding heavily gory or graphic costumes) 

  • If you are unsure of a certain costume, consult with your child’s teacher.

  • If you are in need of a costume, your child is welcome to browse our BRES supply in the office on Thursday or Friday of next week! 

  • If you have costumes that are in good condition and you no longer need them, you can donate them to BRES for students in need.  Please send them in to school labeled as a donation and/or drop them off directly in the main office.

Class parties will take place from 2:15-3:15, and individual teachers are coordinating with room parents to determine specific class needs.  As a reminder, only room parents who have coordinated with teachers to volunteer in the classroom will be allowed in the building on 10/29, and all volunteers must have completed the volunteer training and uploaded their proof of vaccination.  For all necessary details, review this guidance document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1URJRNYdUyyL0ghVzZ32xLqPmkE7IwUvcRF2qid89ojA/edit?usp=sharing 

If you do not celebrate Halloween, or would not like your child to participate in the Halloween festivities, students will have access to an alternate activity and fun at the Fall Festival event.  Please let your child’s teacher know your preference so that we can plan accordingly for our Fall Festival buddies! 

Join the Conversation at Principal’s Coffee

Our first Principal’s Coffee session will be held on zoom next Thursday, October 21st from 8:15-9:00am.  These sessions consist of an ice breaker/community builder and an open Q&A forum, with plenty of time to connect, clarify, and plan for success.  To help guide our conversation, submit questions or topics in advance here: https://forms.gle/mGPUkRXN9xK8ZV9eA

Joining information is in the weekly email from Mrs. West or the BRES PTA Newsletter—contact your student’s teacher if you need it.

Safety Requirements for Becoming a BRES Volunteer

BRES has begun to welcome adult volunteers back into the school building. Welcome back!

Per MCPS, all parent/caregiver volunteers must complete the MCPS Child Abuse and Neglect online training, and upload their COVID-19 vaccination information to ParentVue before coming into the school.

Click here to learn more about volunteering with MCPS.

BRES will host a volunteer orientation on 10/18 at 11:30AM—zoom info to come.