The Arctic Adventure (Fall Book Fair) Oct 10-16


Get ready to read! The Fall Book Fair starts on Thursday, October 10th. This Arctic Adventure will have students chilled and thrilled with the selections this book fair offers. In addition, we will have evening hours for the book fair. Our Family Fun Night on Tues, Oct 15th will allow parents and families to check out the book fair in the Media Center, then they can make book-based crafts and activities in the All Purpose Room. 

Check out the Scholastic Book Fair Custom Booklist and the BRES flyer (both went home last week):

Scholastic custom booklist:

BRES flyer (English and Spanish)

If you’d like to support students’ love of reading and our school book fair, please sign up to volunteer (adults during the school day):

If you have a young person who would like to earn SSL hours at the Book Fair’s evening event, Family Fun Night, on Tuesday, Oct 15 (6:30-8:00pm), please email Trang directly at

Please help our BRES community members in need.

We have two BRES families with significant and urgent needs and are asking for any support you can give.


We are collecting the following items:

 Family 1 

  • Grocery store gift cards (Safeway or Giant)

  • Gift cards to Target, Walmart, Kmart

  • Cleaning supplies, dish soap, sponges, laundry detergent

  • soap, lotion, woman’s deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels

  • bath towels

  • new women’s shoes size 7.5 (but for a 9 year old)

  • new toddler shoe sizes 9

  • toys/art supplies/books for a 9 year old girl and a year old girl

  • non-perishable food items to build a pantry

 Family 2

  •  Preemie boys clothes can be new or gently used

  • Boys baby clothes 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months and 12-18 months

  • Diapers, wipes

  • Bottles, burp clothes

  • Stroller

  • Baby toys/books

  • Gift cards to Target, Walmart, Kmart, Bye Bye Baby

  • Fast food restaurant gift cards


Bigger items can be dropped off in Heather Sobieralski’s (school counselor, office or at the front office.  Please give gift cards and monetary donations to the secretaries in the front office.


Please donate by Sept 20. We will give everything collected to these two families in need the week of Sept 23. 

PTA Meeting - Oct 1, 6:30-8:00pm

Please join us for the BRES PTA meeting on Tuesday, Oct 1, from 6:30-8:00pm. 

  • Topic: Curriculum review and election of open PTA seats. 

  • Welcome to all. PTA membership not required.

  • Free pizza for attendees (first come first serve) & free child care by KAH.

We welcome all voices and participation from our BRES community, including from families/guardians and staff. You don’t even have to be a PTA member to attend. 

Back to School Staff Breakfast - Volunteers Needed!

We hope you're enjoying your summer and you have a few more weeks to enjoy! Please help us by signing up to bring something to share for the Back to School Staff Breakfast.

Hosted by the PTA, this potluck breakfast is for ALL staff and teachers at BRES, about 70+ of them. We'd greatly appreciate your bringing breakfast to sustain them as they prepare to make this a wonderful school year!

Here's the sign up link:…/1-8DZBVZ3PK5TsYgRookZxcXTp5…/edit…

Also there's a recommendation to include a list of ingredients for staff with food allergies.

Items can be dropped off at the front office on 8/29 by 8:30 am.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions & Thank You!

End of School Year Thank You to All our BRES Families!

Dear BRES parents,

It has been a whirlwind inaugural year at Bayard Rustin Elementary School. We appreciate all the support from families and parent volunteers in supporting the PTA and school in launching our new school!

We wish you all a wonderful and relaxing summer!

Just a few final end-of-year updates:

After-school activities: Thank you all who have responded to the after school activities survey. We are collating responses and will see how the PTA board can facilitate activities of interest for next year.

  • If you have any questions or additional suggestions, please email us at

Petition to Restore 1 FTE World Language Chinese Instructor: If you have not yet responded to our online petition to ask MCPS and Board of Education to support restoring a full World Language instructor, instead of cutting the staff allocation in half, please do so soon!

  • Sign our online petition to restore the World Language instructor to 1 FTE

  • We will continue to share updates via email on this issue.

  • We still have an opening on the board for a MCC-PTA delegate. As you can see, it is important for us to keep abreast of MCPS developments and advocate for our children's needs.

Best wishes from the 2018-2019 BRES PTA Board