Announcing the 2023-24 PTA Board Slate

The nominating committee is pleased to present the slate of PTA officers for the 23-24 school year. We will submit this slate for election on Tuesday May 9 at the PTA meeting. Your presence for that meeting is important and we are excited to see you. 

  • President: Patti Westenberg

  • VP Programming: Danielle Snowflack

  • VP Membership: Tonia Luk

  • VP Communications: Nicole Joy Retterer

  • Treasurer: Manda Richards 

  • Secretary: Erika Melcher

  • Delegate: Julia Elam and Ansalan Stewart

The VP Fundraising role remains open. We encourage members to consider this position and run from the floor. (Please note:  this role can remain unfilled. The PTA President can appoint someone to this role in the Fall if needed.)

All positions can be contested the night of the election in a floor vote. If you are interested in running from the floor, please try and contact the nominating committee prior to the election:

If you have any questions regarding the elections process, please reach out at your convenience. Congratulations to the slated nominees!