We're Searching for the 2023-24 PTA Board!

The PTA Board is excited to welcome new members into leadership positions for the 2023-2024 school year!

Are you ready to help lead the incredible work of our BRES PTA?

The nominating committee is looking forward to hearing from you and learning about you as you consider a PTA Board position. Our BRES PTA must have the positions of President, Secretary, and Treasurer filled in order to operate. All terms are for 1 year, and can be held by the same person for a total of 2 consecutive terms.

Please complete the form below to share your interest. You'll be contacted by a member of the nominating committee ASAP after submitting your interest.

The nominating committee will, in accordance with PTA Bylaws, propose a board slate to be voted on at the May meeting. For more information about the elections and nominating process, please feel free to contact robins.rebecca@gmail.com.

You can read more about the detailed job description for our PTA Board positions here: https://www.brespta.org/boardpositions

We're so looking forward to hearing from you soon!