Culture and Heritage Night is October 11!

Our BRES Culture and Heritage Night is this week! Parents, students, and teachers come together to celebrate the diverse backgrounds that make up our school community. This celebration not only fosters a sense of pride and connection to one's heritage but also promotes tolerance and understanding among the school's young learners. The anticipation of sharing and learning from one another's traditions makes culture and heritage night a truly memorable occasion for all involved.

To get ready for this special event, families will create colorful displays showcasing their cultural heritage, complete with traditional artifacts, clothing, and foods.

At 6:30 PM, we will have our fashion show, where student will have a brief opportunity to tell us about the country they are representing, what their traditional attire is called, and if there is something special that they would like to share about it.

At the conclusion of the fashion show, there will be a short performance where students share songs, dances, or storytelling that reflect their cultural roots.

Come hungry! Along with delicious foods by our presenters, there will be two food trucks to save you from figuring out dinner! Sweet Chili and Ben & Jerry’s will both be onsite! (Pro tip: order Sweet Chili online in advance and you can pick it up starting at 5:30pm!)

WE NEED HELP SETTING UP! If you’re free before/after the event and can help (5:15pm or 7:30pm), please reach out to Danielle: