The new Bayard Rustin Spirit Wear shop is open. Get your BRES sweatshirts, t-shirts, masks, mugs and more. This first shop will be open October 9-23. Two more BSN Sports Spirit Wear Sales will also take place this year but with different product options and logos. Click here to shop now.
BRES PTA Meeting and Curriculum Night is Tuesday, Oct. 6
BRES PTA Meeting and Curriculum Night (Part 1)
This first curriculum night will focus on reading, writing, math and technology. A second curriculum night at the November PTA meeting will focus on art, music, PE, and wellness.
The main focus will be on learning more about the Eureka Math curriculum and Benchmark Reading Curriculum as well as accessing technology tools and resources.
Tuesday, October 6
6-7:30 p.m.
Free and open to all parents/guardians at BRES
Join us via Zoom
Save the date for November’s PTA Meeting and Curriculum Night (Part 2)
November 10 6-7:30 p.m.
Why join PTA this year? In this unprecedented year, your membership dues will directly support students and families in need, teacher and staff appreciation, professional development, and new remote opportunities. Last year, Bayard Rustin PTA sponsored multiple events including STEM night and International Night, and provided the funding for teacher supplies, playground equipment, and much more. This year, we will be supporting our children with specials supply kits, access to educational online resources, and more. The PTA will also continue to provide teachers with $100 worth of reimbursements toward their supplies of choice, such as manipulatives for the students or home office supplies. We also plan on continuing our support of teacher training and continued education. Finally, we want to invite all incoming kindergarten parents (and new parents) to join the PTA as a way to become part of the special community that we have at Bayard Rustin. We want to support all of our families during this challenging time and being part of the PTA allows you to advocate on behalf of your children. If you have any questions or suggestions about PTA membership, please reach out to us at Click here to renew or sign up to become a PTA member. Membership dues are $20 per person per year or $40 per family per year.
Elections for 2020-21 Bayard Rustin ES PTA Board
Tuesday, Sept 8, 6:30pm
Elwood Smith Community Center Parking Lot
601 Harrington Road, Rockville
PTA Members – please join us to elect our BRES PTA Board for 2020-21 and approve the PTA budget for this school year.
Due to state PTA guidelines, we must have an in-person meeting to conduct the elections and to approve the budget. In light of public health guidelines, we will have a meeting in the parking lot in which we will maintain physical distancing and wear masks. You may stay in the car or stand nearby as we conduct our PTA business. To let us know if we’ll have quorum or minimum of 15, please RSVP at this link.
These agenda items are an important part of our governance requirements as a non-profit organization, and we appreciate your attendance as we need a quorum of 15 members in order to proceed with voting.
Please see the proposed slate of PTA Board officers below and email with any questions or for additional info. Note that we will also accept nominations from the floor at the meeting too, if anyone is still interested in running for the PTA Board.
Current slate of candidates for the 2020-21 BRES PTA Board:
President - Becky Phillips
VP of Programs – Chloe Zhu
VP of Membership - Mindy Chong
VP of Communications - Jen Strohm
VP of Fundraising - Cindy Chung
Treasurer - Weirong Zhu
Secretary - Paula Tully
Delegate 1 - Calandra Moore
Delegate 2 - Monica Berger
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week May 4-8!
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week May 4-8!
This week is usually packed with lunches, breakfasts, and other great ways to show our gratitude. This year, we need to create new ways to show our appreciation.
Here’s how you and your child can help!
Thank You Collage
Please send a picture of your child, either from Distance Learning or another candid, that we can include in a Thank You Collage for ALL staff. Email to Trang at by Tues, May 5
Gift Crowd – Contribute for all Staff
Please contribute to a BRES fund through Gift Crowd for ALL staff. Instead of paying for a potluck item or a gift to bring to school, donate here to give gift cards to each BRES staff member. Deadline: Thurs, May 7.
Monday, 5/4
Send an e-card to your teacher and staff member! A few to check out:,,,
Tuesday, 5/5
Have your child create a Thank You sign to hold up at the beginning of the Zoom. It can simply say "Thank You" or "Thank You Mr./Mrs.____, for all that you do!" or "I Thank You Because You Are Kind!" etc!
Wednesday, 5/6
Give the Teacher a Bouquet of Flowers by drawing or printing out a picture of a flower to hold up and then the teacher receives a full bouquet!
Thursday, 5/7
Thank You Collage sent to all staff. Please send photo to by 5:00pm, Tues, 5/5
Friday, 5/8
Show your Bayard Rustin spirit by wearing orange and sending a picture to your teacher or staff! Gift Crowd gift certificate will be sent to BRES staff.
Yearbook Sales Extended to May 1st
Yearbook sales have been extended. Please click on the link below to access the flyer. Let Mrs. DuBois know if you need any help placing the order. BRES typically finishes the yearbook at the end of March. Unfortunately, we had one large event that will not be included because it was canceled (school dedication) but have everything else in the yearbook. We received an extension to complete and now are able to include pictures of distance learning. Orders are due by May 1st!
BRES Spirit Week is here!
Show your virtual school spirit this week, April 20-24, during your live ZOOM lesson for the day!
Maryland PTA Seeking State Treasurer
Maryland Parent Teacher Association (MD PTA) is seeking a Treasurer for their organization. If you are interested, please email:
Click here for more info.
Free 2 months of Internet from Comcast
As our country continues to manage the COVID-19 emergency, Comcast is taking immediate steps to help connect low-income families to the Internet at home. New Internet Essentials customers will receive two free months of Internet service, which is available to all qualified low-income households for $9.95/month plus tax. Apply by April 30, 2020.
You may qualify if you:
· Live in an area where Comcast Internet Service is available.
· Are eligible for public assistance programs like the National School Lunch Program, housing assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, SSI, and others.
· Have not subscribed to Comcast Internet within the last 90 days.
· Have no outstanding debt to Comcast that is less than one year old.
Signing up is easy and fast from your mobile device, go to:
Free Meals at Silver Diner-RIO
Silver Diner-RIO is partnering with Real Food for Kids to serve free meals to Montgomery County children and families during the school closure.
We will provide meals each weekday as long as we are able, between 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Silver Diner and Real Food for Kids will be providing plant-based meals for grab-and-go distribution at the Silver Diner RIO location in Gaithersburg, MD. We will post updates on our Facebook page if we are unable to serve meals due to changing circumstances.
Children and families in need can come to this Silver Diner location each day to pick up meals, no questions asked. This means we require no identification or proof of need. Parents or other family members may pick up meals on behalf of their entire family—children do not need to be present.
Silver Diner-RIO
236 Boardwalk Place, Gaithersburg, Md. 20878
Please note, the mall address for Silver Diner-RIO is 9811 Washingtonian Blvd. The address provided above is for the Poke Restaurant, next door to Silver Diner, to provide a more accurate physical location.
For more information, please email